Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hello Hello

This is my first go at this blogging stuff, so here it goes. I'm 25 and I live in Columbus Ohio. I have condition called Cerebral Palsy which is a caused by a brain injury at or shortly after birth. It main affects my speech and fine motor skills. I have a degree in special education from Ohio State. I do not have a teaching lincense how that occured I will go into in a later entry. The reason I started this blog is I have alot of stuff going on in my head and I think it would do me good to write it down, and why keep a private journal when you post your BS online for the entire world to see. I invison this blog include a wide range of topics disablity related issues politcal issues, music, pop culture, as well as stories from my life past and present. Feel free to comment on tell me what you think. Most of all I hope the blog entertains its readers and get them to think.

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