Monday, February 23, 2009

The good of diapers

I have decided write a entry about diapers a wired topic for blog entry might think, but I feel it is a revelant one. Think abut we all use them as small children. For some disabled people who have issues with incontince diaper usages is life long. One thing I've noticed many disabeld people who not incontinent are starting to wear diapers for various reason. One such reason it is easier then getting out of there chair everytime they use the restroom. Other can't use the restroom alone and don't want be chain to a care provider 24/7 or play the hold it game. The third class of continent disabled diaper wearer is someone who is continent at most times but has accidents and chooses to wear diapers to avoid embrassment and make cleanup easier. I'm a member of the third class. I have stuggled with accidents since toilet training ( and I do mean stuggled) I went back to wearing diapers a couple years ago and it has made things SOOOO much easier. No more worrying about public accidents, no more long clean ups. The diapers I wear pull up and down so if I can get to the toilet I can do my business there. There are people in some circles that frown upon adults wearing diapers. I find ashame. I feel people should by encouaged to wear the underwear there most comfortable in whether that be boxer, breifs, throng, or diaper. When potty training disabled kids I don't think parent should really stress about it. If they are capable of being potty trained fine. But if they're not or if looks like accidents are going to be a serious problem just leave in diapers. There will switch back to diapers by there mid- 20"s anyway. LOL

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